W. Jesse Wright


Fiver Co | High five Robot

Built a Twitter-Activated High Five Robot


Charles Fivemore (aka Neel Williams, ACD Copywriter), possibly one of the greatest inventors of our generation, conceived the Fiver robot many years ago. It was passed down from producer to producer as an "innovation project," with little fruitful progress. Within a relatively short time of my arrival at Martin Agency and after many long nights and weekends, our team successfully built a functioning high-five robot that fired with every #fiver tweet, a website showing a live feed of the robot, and a Fiver GIF meme generator. All while we each managed full load of client projects.

What did we learn? Duck tape can fix (almost) anything. Arduino doesn't always play nice with Battle Bot level motors (one of them will likely burn out). Fire alarms don't like glycerin-based fog machines. The magnetic gyroscope inside of a Segway can destroy a wireless mic's receiver. GIFs are really heavy to process relative to HTML video. Seriously, all true.

Lead Producer, Production Designer, Creative Technologist, Accounting Wrangler